If you have been suffering from pain, numbness, tingling and even loss of use of strength in your hand, you may be suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. There are multiple methods to care for this problem including splints, braces, steroid injections, weight loss and surgery.

Even with surgery, there are multiple techniques. The two main types are open and closed. Minimally invasive techniques use a scope (endoscopic) and indirect imaging on a screen to visualize the treatment through a very tiny incision that generally requires no stitches. Even with the closed technique, some techniques require multiple incisions and some only require one. We have surgeons on staff that have extensive experience in the minimally invasive technique that generally takes less than 10 minutes!

So if you are in Las Vegas and are experiencing carpal tunnel symptoms and have decided that surgery is your best option, just give us a call and we would be happy to refer you to a member of our well trained and experienced staff or you can call 702-227-5848 or fill in the form below.

If you want to read the text from the video Dr. Knight has shared above please continue reading below.


over two and a half million people a
year inflicted with the diagnosis of
carpal tunnel syndrome to understand
this diagnosis in better detail it’s
important to understand a little of the
anatomy in the wrist the carpal tunnel
is a tunnel deep in the wrist here
that’s made up of a the floor of the
tunnel is made up of the back of the
bones of the wrist across that tunnel is
a ligament called the transverse carpal
ligament which we’ll talk about when we
talk about the surgery for this
condition but with technology today
there’s increased use of the fingers
flexing through that tunnel that leads
to a development of inflammation on the
tendons within that tight unyielding
space the inflammation puts pressure on
the median nerve which is a nerve that
goes through the tunnel out to the
fingers of the hand within from
repetitive use with daily activities
with increased computer use with
blackberries etc our technology has made
this a more common occurrence to discuss
a little of the diagnosis of carpal
tunnel syndrome
the subjective compliance or when a
patient comes into my office one of the
first things they talk about is that
they have numbness and tingling more
commonly awaking them at night
commonly it occurs because the nerve
goes to these four digits it’s mainly
the four did these four digits excluding
the little finger
they also with more pronounced symptoms
may get actually loss of feeling in
their hand and actual motor loss of the
muscles that allow the thumb to oppose
to the digits resulting in clumsiness
with buttoning clothes using a pen for
writing etc
under examination the patient we tap
over the nerve at the tunnel the median
nerve if that causes tingling within the
fingers that suggestive the diagnosis we
also ask the patients to flex their
wrists leading to increased pressure
within the carpal tunnel which is a call
to fail ins test so that reproduces what
happens at night when you’re sleeping
you tend to sleep in a fetal position
the wrists drawn up leading which causes
increased pressure within the carpal
tunnel also we look at that we do a full
sensory and a full sensory and motor
exam to see if there’s loss of feeling
in any loss of strength within the thumb
muscles so once we have a proper
diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome now
it’s important to talk about treatment
treatment in most cases with
conservative treatment the symptoms will
go away in severe cases though surgery
may be necessary for the conservative
treatment wearing a wrist brace at night
when you’re sleeping to prevent flexing
flexion of the wrist is important that’s
the number one treatment also resting
the wrist and the fingers ergonomically
looking at the workstation at work if
they’re a typist or if adjusting the
string tension if they’re a guitar
player etc anti-inflammatory medication
in some cases a cortisone shot into the
carpal tunnel may also reduce swelling
in more severe cases though surgery may
be necessary now with the advent of
endoscopic carpal tunnel release surgery
is highly effective but with minimal
scarring and a very quick return to work
we do a ten-minute outpatient surgical
procedure that involves a one-and-a-half
centimeter incision across the crease of
the wrist and the pain and the recovery
the pain is lessened significantly
compared to the old-fashioned open
procedure which involved a very lengthy
scar across the palm now I have patients
returning to full work within a month
after surgery so it’s highly effective
and much less pain than the other than
the standard open procedure
now we’ll start with a skin incision
I’m going to complete the cut
and now I have a u-shaped distil based
flap that we’re going to now place a
small skin hook line that will
essentially be my guide into the carpal
I’m going to open approximately two
centimeters of the antebrachial fascia
at the lower midline of the distal
forearm proximal that’ll help facilitate
the scope placement into the carpal
tunnel now we’ll take the spatula and
I’m going to run this into the carpal
tunnel I’m going to scrape the
undersurface of the transverse carpal
ligament just to make sure there’s no T
no synovium or lining of the tendons
that’s adherent to the under surface of
where I’m going to be dividing the
transverse carpal ligament
now we’re going in into the carpal
you see the transverse carpal ligament
you see I’m pushing beyond the
transverse carpal ligament beyond the
carpal tunnel
I’m going to engage the
blade you see right there
and the cut-the-knot go all the way the
very end I’m to cut the distal fibers
here partially
you’re partial cut there now there’s two
edges you can see or still intact there
so you got it if you see those within
the viewing surface of the or within the
video monitor in the you haven’t and
it’s a v-shaped configuration there you
haven’t completely transected it bad on
complete the transection proximal we’re
going to go all the way but not to the
very edge
proxxon will come back and do that with
our scissors pistol
now we we’re gonna run the radial column
of the transverse carpal ligament all
the way proximal showing complete
division except what we’re going to
complete proximal with our scissors on
the way out and then there’s the owner
column again you don’t see the two edges
within the view of the scope at any
point so that’s open all the way down
and we’re gonna inspect the median nerve
now you can through this field look at
the nerve and make sure there’s no
masses within the carpal tunnel there
and it’s intact after the procedure
which is important obviously
what up now we’re gonna let just apply
some pressure to the incision and we’re
gonna let the tourniquet down now
tourniquet down please it’s usually with
direct pressure for about five minutes
it’s all that’s needed to stop any
boozing before closing the wound
you can see the fingers pinking up now
all of them and the palm just liberally
apply some derma bonds in brutal
put a little little sponge with a
Tegaderm dressing over it so they can
start showering right away
and now they can apply ice
along with elevation to minimize
swelling and can start a range of motion
of the hand and wrist within the first
hours this procedure as you can see
involved a very small incision through a
minimally invasive approach as you can
see from her left wrist on three months
again with this latest technology we are
now able to bring life back to her hands